Monday, April 26, 2010

Significant Cultural/Emotional Experience

Although I personally feel I have not had to make significant cultural or emotional adjustments, there are vast differences in the political structures of Australia compared to those at home. I would not consider myself an expert by any means about the Australian government; however, I have come to learn a great deal about the way things are run. Australia is vastly influenced by the British, as evident in the structure of the cities, buildings, and their government.
There are some minor adjustments I have had to make during my stay here. The light switches in Australia are quite different from the American ones. They have sockets with switches to either allow the energy through or permit it from flowing into the appliance. Adjusting to vehicles driving on the opposite side of the road has taken awhile to adapt to. The larger problem with the vehicles is the fact that the steering wheel is located on the right side of the car. I have walked to the right side multiple times while being the passenger, which has been somewhat embarrassing.
Australians are very conscious of their energy and water. They are very conservative in their environmental approaches. As we at home are trying to become more "green", those I have interacted with here have already mastered this technique. Dryers are not typically found in many households, which is quite different from home. I did the wash and hung all of my clothing on the line outside to dry. Although I am used to hanging some things to dry, I have never hung an entire load outside. Since Australia suffers such droughts they are very conservative with their water. Showers do not last more than a couple of minutes and water is not served with every meal, as it is at home.
Although I have had to adjust to these minor differences during my stay, I would not say they are significant in any way. I must say the hardest thing I have encountered is adjusting to this laid back state of mind that Australians seize. The stress levels seem extremely lower than ours in America. I must say they have it right... "no worries"!

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