Monday, April 19, 2010

Lifestyle Differences: MD vs. AU

I have been living with one of the teacher's families and have truly enjoyed their house! I feel very comfortable with all of the family members and have enjoyed getting to know all of them. Although I have enjoyed my "home away from home" so far, there are some differences in the lifestyles in Australia and home in Maryland.
I am fortunate to have all of the privileges I have at home here in Australia. I have had access to internet, have my own private room, washer/dryer, food, etc. Since Australia and America are so similar there really have not been major differences. The largest difference I have experienced while living here is the language. Although we all speak English, they have a bloody different vocabulary (as they would say). It has been somewhat hard to get on the same page in conversations and I have had to ask a million questions. I think being open-minded and allowing myself to just absorb all I can is the best way to take in everything.
The family I am staying with have two teenage children. After having many conversations with them I must say there experiences are very much similar to mine at that age. As I have learned from them, the major differences in our lifestyles are regarding sports. I have been becoming a pro about "footy", which is vastly different from our American football. They play cricket, netball, and a couple other sports, which have not caught on in the States. The children are very big on sports here in Australia, which I believe is not that different from those at home.
Food seems to be one of the largest differences here. Typical dinners and meals in Australia consist of many foods I eat at home; chicken, spaghetti, steak, etc. Although these are more or less the same types of food I would be enjoying at home there are some unique foods found here. The other night for dinner we had fish and chips, which of course is a fairly typical food at home. I ordered the flake, they said it was the best fish, and it tasted delicious! A couple hours later I found out it was shark. I was caught off-guard but honestly enjoyed the taste, I would probably eat it again. Other large differences in food include Vegemite, cheese-mite, and kangaroo. Most of the other food options are the same (or very similar) to ours in MD. The one thing they have found gross is the concept of peanut butter & jelly, but I haven't given up my love for PB&J yet!
Since I have only been with my host family for only a couple of days now I feel there are still differences in lifestyles I have yet to see. Overall I believe it is fair to say that the lifestyles of us Marylanders and Australians are similar in a lot of aspects.

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