Monday, April 19, 2010

Phillip Island

Phillip Island easily has won my vote for most fantastic spot in Australia (don't forget to take into account that I haven't seen the Great Barrier Reef haha). Hollie was able to join my host mom and I on our adventure to Phillip Island, which was really great. We arrived Saturday night and stayed the night in a family friends house about 10 minutes outside of Phillip Island. Sunday morning we woke up early and drove to Smiths Beach. Hollie and I were to begin our surfing lesson at 9:30 and both of us were as terrified as I think a human could be. Our main concern: Sharks! Needless to say we knew we couldn't pass up the opportunity to learn how to surf, even if we were going to be in the most dangerous water in the world.
Our surfing lesson lasted a couple of hours and was extremely successful. We were both able to stand up on our own, and we have pictures to prove it! After our lesson was complete our surf instructor told us of a shark attack that happened relatively close to where we were. I thanked him for lying to me at the start of our lesson and was extremely relieved that we survived.
We toured all around Phillip Island visiting the most beautiful sights I have ever seen. The beaches were extremely beautiful, as you can see from the pictures, and there were many wild animals including the penguins. At dusk we arrived at the "Penguin Parade" where we excitedly waited the arrival of the penguins. The penguins arrived and we watched hundreds of them waddle out of the water and up the paths to their burrows. There are no words to describe how amazing this truly was. It was so awesome to witness the penguins in their own habitats out in the wild. No pictures are allowed to protect the little penguins, which is somewhat of a disappointment but I have google imaged some pictures for you all. If Australia isn't on your list of places to visit, I encourage you to add it... Phillip Island gets an A+++++ in my books :)

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