Thursday, April 15, 2010

Camp Weekaway

As some of you know I had the opportunity to go on a camping trip with the 3rd and 4th grade students. I was extremely apprehensive about this trip and was really not looking forward to it. Despite my prior worries I truly enjoyed myself!
We left for camp on Monday and came back on Wednesday, I was completed exhausted and headed to bed around 8:30 last night. The camp was called Camp Weekaway, although we were only there for 3 days. The accommodations at the camp were wonderful, we got fed great and the dorms were clean and spacious. It was a great way to be introduced to the students and teaching staff.
The camp had a large array of activities arranged for the students. They had a set of activities they called initiatives, these were team activities with one common goal for the kids to achieve. The students seemed to struggle a bit at first; however, they really came together by the end of the trip. There were ropes courses and zipwires for the students to do, along with a night walk (which terrified most students). The students were separated into smaller groups, which meant they all weren't always with their friends. The students really seemed to learn the meaning of a team, what it takes to work cooperatively and respectively together. Witnessing students cheering each other on and truly exciting that one another had overcome their fears was priceless! I was very impressed that the school took on this type of trip for students of such a young age to experience.
I have been very impressed by the students! They asked me such great and enriched questions about the States. I have already learned so much from them, they have been great at explaining everything I don't understand, and look forward to seeing them in the classroom. These kids can really hold a mature conversation with you, while at the same time still be a animated kid.
Not only was this a great educational experience, I got a taste of the true Aussie lifestyle. Every morning there were dozens of wild Kangaroos surrounding the cabins. They were so tame and came only a couple of feet from all of us. I also got some courage and tried Vegemite! It was disgusting, but they were impressed I tried it. I will be starting my time in the classroom and will be excited to see the differences between our education and theirs.

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